This blog regularly contains a new article on topics relating to self-knowledge and inner development, in order to crystallize this subject and share it with others. A precipitation and ‘distillation’ of sensitive thoughts and analyses, on the important topic “Who am I, and what am I not?”, and on inner attitudes and processes regarding the teachings of Selfknowledge.today.

Tempus non fugit
The Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea devised paradoxes, including the paradox of ‘the arrow in flight.’ With this, he demonstrated that the concept of motion might be an illusion. The Latin phrase Tempus Fugit (Time flies) is reversed in the title of this article: Time does not fly, as time itself is ultimately an illusion.

The Rainmaker from 1956 is a movie in which a man claims to be able to bring rain, thus giving hope to people in a period of great drought. This theme, of a charming and charismatic figure promising redemption in a certain way, is interpreted here as a spiritual metaphor.

Line of Integrity
“They cannot beat you, but you can lose to them” is one of Johan Cruijff’s famous quotes. What does this statement mean to us in a spiritual sense? And how do we remain fearlessly integral when our ‘system’ is under attack?

Going set
The expression, originally from Klaverjas, ‘going set’ means that one loses. I have another explanation for ‘going set’: losing yourself when there is resistance to beliefs, ideas or feelings, i.e. to your perception of the world.

Educational language
We have a beautiful language from which we can learn something. Take for example the reflexive verb: a spiritual lesson hidden in our language. If a reflexive verb applies, we must ask ourselves (also reflexive): is this useful to me, or am I burdening myself?

“Do not neglect your destiny and always keep an eye on the course of your life, for while you sleep, someone else writes history and gambles with your life.”
This article provides a philosophical interpretation (both political and spiritual) of the famous Greek song ‘To Pepromèno’ (‘Destiny’), sung by Giorgos Dalaras.

Sense or Nonsense
‘What is the meaning of life?’ The age-old question that’s hard to answer definitively. Does life have meaning? Or is it the sense of meaning that makes life worth living? Purpose… in this word lies ‘the giving of meaning’. So, it’s an action of giving. It’s also often said that the meaning of life is ‘being happy’. But then… happiness… when do we experience it? And how do we hold onto it?

In the gospels, it’s emphasized that Jesus imparted the “the Lord’s Prayer” to his disciples. Hence, it becomes pivotal to fathom precisely what he conveyed to his pupils through these words. What is the intrinsic meaning of this prayer? Here’s the elucidation from selfknowledge.today

Realization in Relation
The love relationship you enter into with a partner, for instance in a marriage, could be a spiritual relationship where mutually supporting each other in inner development becomes a vital component. In the dismantling of your personal ego-identifications and conditionings (which are now precisely visible in a long-term relationship), the permanent partner can play a significant role.

Fish Out of Water
If you could ask a fish, “are you aware you live in water?”, it would look at you in confusion. Should you question the fish further, “do you realize you’re wet?”, it would gaze at you, perplexed. A fish is oblivious to the concept of water or being wet. Similarly, humans often overlook their own surroundings and conditions.

Philosopher’s Stone
People have searched for the Philosopher’s Stone for an eternity. But in a physical sense, this ‘stone’ that would turn lead into gold cannot be found. The metaphor of the Philosopher’s Stone represents an inner process: the transformation from our current state of mind to that of a higher spiritual state.

Blood Moon
In spiritual philosophy, the reflective moon stands for our Buddhi: our highest power of discernment, and for this reason is also known as the Gateway to Inner Wisdom.
When unobstructed, it reflects in our mind the dazzling light of Consciousness, just as the moon reflects the dazzling sunlight.

Inner Shredder
Unfortunately, the truth is that we all have a mental shredder. Unnoticed, we often put many things aside or even resolutely reject them, stemming from a severely limiting mindset about what reality might be.

Kill your darlings
We have become attached to many things, out of taste, love, and passion, and we love them! Yet, they can prevent us from experiencing true inner freedom. Our inner director will need to discover these attachments, evaluate their worth, and then act upon them: kill your darlings!

Anthropocentrism is a mindset that causes us to determine reality from a limited human-thinking perspective. It obstructs inner freedom.

Focusing Attention
We often talk about it: focusing our attention. About focusing. Focusing attention, it seems simple. But first, what exactly is attention?

Closed or Open
There are those moments: you can’t really be present, you’re not alert, the ‘head’ isn’t working well, and the mood doesn’t improve either. Sound familiar? What’s going on then? Why aren’t we functioning properly even though we’re not sick?

Accept and Let Go?
We often hear and read it, and it’s often deemed sensible: “let it go”, “accept it”, “let it be”. But do we really benefit from such advice? Or is something else needed?

Expression and Perfection
The existential essence of every ‘being’ in the universe, living or non-living, is expression. Everything grows and flourishes, one might say, thanks to this expression, whether it’s a flower, a city, a sun, a spiral nebula, or a human. Existence, in a sense, is synonymous with being expressive.

Thoughts and Feelings
It’s often claimed that thoughts evoke feelings, leading many to see ‘thinking’ as undesirable. Feelings provide us with invaluable information, and our thinking can be functionally deployed to interpret them.

Wanting or Responding
The only free will we actually possess is the desire to let go. In doing so, our inner division decreases and we increasingly move into a state of natural reaction where we experience unity. A natural state of giving and receiving.

The Third Point
It’s essential to understand the aphorism: “Find the third point, and duality dissolves”. Every (apparent) contradiction has a ‘third point’ that nullifies the opposition. Seeing the third point means breaking free from our dualistic perception of it. Seek unity within diversity. Search for consistency within change.

Appearance and Reality
In spiritual circles, a trend is sometimes observable: there’s a need for ‘higher’ matters, for ‘beautiful stories’, for ‘spiritual recognition’, and for being ‘special’ or even ‘chosen’. Also, for supposed promotion of spirituality, there’s often a lot of ‘shopping around’. Precisely these things can obstruct our inner development.

In the world, not of the world
There’s a principle that the Advaita sages have long told us: be fully attentive IN the world, but don’t be OF the world. The outcome is that you become significantly lighter: it’s enlightening.

Wealth for Well-being
There are Three Types of Wealth: Causal, Subtle, and Physical. Those who wish to develop internally use these forms of wealth for their growth. In unawareness, people often use their wealth in ways that amplify ignorance and bring about unhappiness.

Sun of Vergina
In Selfknowledge.today, the Sun of Vergina represents the Inner Sun that continuously shines within us, but which, due to circumstances, we are not always aware of. Much inner shadow, caused by various mental and emotional obstacles, dims this light for us.